Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry
, Title:
Expanding Plastics Recycling Technologies: Chemical Aspects, Technology Status and Challenges
, Authors:
Houqian Li, Horacio A. Aguirre-Villegas, Robert D. Allen, Xianglan Bai, Craig H. Benson, Gregg T. Beckham, Sabrina L. Bradshaw, Jessica L. Brown, Robert C. Brown, Marco Antonio Sanchez Castillo, Victor S. Cecon, Julia B. Curley, Greg W. Curtzwiler, Son Dong, Soumika Gaddameedi, John E. Garcia, Ive Hermans, Min Soo Kim, Jiaze Ma, Lesli O. Mark, Manos Mavrikakis, Olumide O. Olafasakin, Tim A. Osswald, Kostas G. Papanikolaou, Harish Radhakrishnan, Kevin L. Sánchez-Rivera, Khairun N. Tumu, Reid C. Van Lehn, Keith L. Vorst, Mark M. Wright, Jiayang Wu, Victor M. Zavala, Panzheng Zhou, George W. Huber
Version 2 posted 24 June 2022