Digital learning and gamification make studying chemistry more exciting and engaging. Interactive digital tools allow students to understand fundamental concepts of chemistry more easily. However, application of this knowledge is hampered by the lack of user-friendly chemistry simulators, in which students could apply their knowledge in a creative way. This paper describes the development of the application software – ChemChellenge. This software is intended for use primarily by undergraduate students studying chemistry and chemical engineering. The goal of the game is to design reaction equations that describe spontaneous chemical reactions. The application software has many features of video games, such as a developed reward system, that is based on principles of thermodynamics, customization of player’s chemistry laboratory and in-game currency. These features make gameplay less linear. As such, multiple solutions to the same task are possible. A case study of using ChemChallenge is described.
Supplementary materials
Supporting information
1. List of games in chemical education
2. Description of "gamelog" file
Supplementary weblinks
Video game wab page
Watch game trailer. Links to download the latest version of the game. Game description and application tips.