University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, Monday January 24–Friday January 28 2022

The 2022 edition of the Study Groups Mathematics with Industry, which also was the 166th “European Study Group with Industry”, continued a successful tradition of study groups in the Netherlands as well as in Europe. Groups of mathematicians worked on problems that were brought in from practice. While the first four problems came from actual companies the fifth one was from artist Zoro Feigl. For all cases, however, mathematics proved to be an essential contribution to the solution. During SWI, groups of mathematicians with different backgrounds worked with the “problem suppliers” on the different problems. These were open-ended in the sense that no mathematical modeling had taken place, which left room for different approaches to formulate a problem in mathematical terms. After the problems were presented on Monday, five teams with specialists from various fields of mathematics were formed and set to work. This collaboration proved to be highly effective, being able to produce different approaches or solving different subproblems within only one week. Besides the scientific expertise, constant contact to the problem suppliers was crucial for such targeted research. Each group worked very intensively and enthusiastically until on Friday the developed solutions could be presented to the industrial partners.

An event in association with