Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Synthetic Analogs of the Snail Toxin 6-Bromo-2-Mercaptotryptamine Dimer (BrMT) Reveal That Lipid Bilayer Perturbation Does Not Underlie Its Modulation of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels
, Authors:
Chris Dockendorff, Disha M. Gandhi, Ian H. Kimball, Kenneth S. Eum, Radda Rusinova, Helgi I. Ingólfsson, Ruchi Kapoor, Thasin Peyear, Matthew W. Dodge, Stephen F. Martin, Richard W. Aldrich, Olaf S. Andersen, Jon T. Sack
Version 1 posted 21 February 2018