Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
, Title:
A novel bottom-up approach to find lead-compounds in billion-sized libraries
, Authors:
Álvaro Serrano-Morrás, Andrea Bertran-Mostazo, Marina Miñarro-Lleonar, Arnau Comajuncosa-Creus, Adrià Cabello, Carme Labranya, Carmen Escudero, Tian Tian, Inna Khutorianska, Dmytro S. Radchenko, Yurii S. Moroz, Lucas Defelipe, David Ruiz-Carrillo, Maria Garcia-Alai, Robert Schmidt, Matthias Rarey, Patrick Aloy, Carles Galdeano, Jordi Juárez-Jiménez, Xavier Barril
Version 1 posted 06 January 2025