Organic Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Synthesis and styrene copolymerization of halogen ring-disubstituted 2-methoxyethyl phenylcyanoacrylates
, Authors:
Ehab Abdelhamid, Hussein Abourahma, Julia K. Bellino, Joshua S.M. Bowser, Lourdes De Anda, Richard E. DeMaria, Erika M. Galeczka, Madeline B. Martin, Abdulrafey Nasir, Alexis A. Pawlak, Ashley Pezza, Rachel I. Quade, Anna B. Schell, Valerie Tafoya, Bhavi D. Vashi, Sabah I. Vikaruddin, Sophia L. Zygowski, Sara M. Rocus, William S. Schjerven, Gregory B Kharas
Version 1 posted 26 April 2022