Earth, Space, and Environmental Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Primary Prevention of Outdoor Lead (Pb) Exposure on Residential Properties in Rochester, NY, and Potential of a Sustainable Remediation Solution Involving the Reuse of Drinking Water Treatment Residual (WTR), a Waste Generated Daily by the City
, Authors:
Padmini Das, Stephanie Zamule, Deanna R. Bolduc, Michelle J. Patton, Meghan L. Mendola, Julia Penoyer, Benjamin Lyon, Hanna M. Chittenden, Alexander C. Hoyt, Cassandra V. Dupre, Jack J. Wessel, Ivan Gergi, Charlotte V. Buechi, Jane A. Shebert, Mandeep Chauhan, David Giacherio, Jacob C. Phouthavong-Murphy
Version 1 posted 10 August 2020