Analytical Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Cross-Validation of ELISA and a Portable Surface Plasmon Resonance Instrument for IgG Antibodies Serology with SARS-CoV-2 Positive Individuals
, Authors:
Abdelhadi Djaileb, Maryam Hojjat Jodaylami, Julien Coutu, Pierre Ricard, Mathieu Lamarre, lea rochet, Stella Cellier-Goetghebeur, devin macauley, Benjamin Charron, Vincent Thibault, Keisean Stevenson, Simon Forest, Ludovic S. Live, Nanouk Abonnenc, Anthony Guedon, Patrik Quessy, Jean-Francois Lemay, Omar Farnos, Amine A. Kamen, Matthew Stuible, Christian Gervais, Yves Durocher, François Cholette, Christine Mesa, John Kim, Marie-Pierre Cayer, Marie-Joëlle De Grandmont, Danny Brouard, Sylvie Trottier, Denis Boudreau, Joelle N. Pelletier, Jean-Francois Masson
Version 1 posted 02 April 2021