Analytical Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Label-Free Plasmonic Biosensor for Rapid, Quantitative, and Highly Sensitive COVID-19 Serology: Implementation and Clinical Validation
, Authors:
Olalla Calvo-Lozano, MIquel Sierra, Maria Soler, M.-Carmen Estevez, luis Chiscano-camon, Adolfo Ruiz-Sanmartín, Juan Carlos Ruiz-Rodriguez, Ricard Ferrer, Juan José González-López, Juliana Esperalba, Candela fernandez-naval, leticia Bueno, Rubén López-Aladid, Antoni Torres, Laia Fernández-Barat, Sarah Attoumani, Remi Charrel, Bruno Coutard, Laura M. Lechuga
Version 2 posted 04 June 2021