Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
A prodrug activated by H2O2 and mitochondrial hydroxide: an improvement of cancer cells versus neutrophils selectivity
, Authors:
Insa Klemt, Viktor Reshetnikov, Subrata Dutta, Galyna Bila, Rostyslav Bilyy, Itziar Cossío Cuartero, Andrés Hidalgo, Adrian Wünsche, Maximilian Böhm, Marit Wondrak, Leoni Kunz-Schughart, Rainer Tietze, Frank Beierlein, Petra Imhof, Sabrina Gensberger-Reigl, Monika Pischetsrieder, Marlies Körber, Tina Jost, Andriy Mokhir
Version 2 posted 27 September 2023