Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Integration of Computational and Experimental Techniques for the Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 PLpro Covalent Inhibitors
, Authors:
Ho Ying Huang, Sharon Pinus, Xiao Cong Zhang, Guanyu Wang, Andrés M Rueda, Yaouba Souaibou, Solène Huck, Mitchell Huot, Danielle Vlaho, Joshua Pottel, Felipe Venegas, Zhuoqun Lu, Christopher Hennecker, Julia Stille, Jevgenijs Tjutrins, Caitlin Miron, Anne Labarre, Jessica Plescia, Mihai Burai-Patrascu, Anthony Mittermaier, Nicolas Moitessier
Version 1 posted 15 September 2023