Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Inhibition of NGLY1 inactivates the transcription factor Nrf1 and potentiates proteasome inhibitor cytotoxicity
, Authors:
Carolyn Bertozzi, Fred Tomlin, Ulla Gerling-Driessen, Yi-Chang Liu, Ryan Flynn, Janakiram Vangala, Christian Lentz, Sandra Clauder-Muenster, Petra Jakob, William F. Mueller, Diana Ordoñez-Rueda, Malte Paulsen, Naoko Matsui, Deirdre Foley, Agnes Rafalko, Tadashi Suzuki, Matthew Bogyo, Lars M. Steinmetz, Senthil K. Radhakrishnan
Version 1 posted 08 September 2017