Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Working Paper
, Title:
Identification of a Zika NS2B Epitope for Which Absence of IgG Response Is Associated with Severe Neurological Symptoms and the Design of a Biomarker Capable of Discriminatory Diagnostics Between Severe and Non4 Severe Clinical Phenotypes
, Authors:
Felix Loeffler, Isabelle F. T. Viana, Nico Fischer, Danilo F. Coêlho, Carolina Santos, Antonio Purificacao Jr, Catarina Araujo, Bruno Leite, Ricardo Durães-Carvalho, Thereza Magalhaes, Clarice Morais, Marli Tenório Cordeiro, Roberto Lins, Ernesto T.A. Marques, Thomas Jaenisch
Version 1 posted 08 March 2021