Disclosed herein is the invention of a method for facile C–H alkylation of a range of (hetero)arenes under Ni-catalysis. This reaction takes place at 50 °C, is scalable, tolerates heterocyclic substrates, and can be applied to both primary and complex secondary alkyl donors. Success hinges on the use of sulfonylhydrazide-based alkyl donors that mildly generate alkyl radicals thereby obviating the need for alkyl halide precursors that require more harsh conditions to activate. The demonstrated substrate scope is broad (>70 examples), and the reaction was also applied to natural product synthesis. Mechanistic studies (both computational and experimental) suggest that an asynchronous, amine-assisted C–H activation pathway is operative which may have larger implications for the field.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Material
Supplementary materials include extended reaction scope, experimental procedures with graphical
guides, optimization studies, spectroscopic data (1H NMR spectra; 13C NMR spectra, 19F NMR
spectra, HRMS), and computational data and analysis.