Rechargeable magnesium metal batteries (RMBs) represent a promising sustainable energy storage technology, complementary to lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries due to their superior volumetric energy density, cost-effectiveness, and safety. However, their widespread adoption is hindered by limited electrolyte options due to the formation of Mg ion-insulating surface films that cannot behave as solid-electrolyte-interphases. Here, after considering the binding affinity with Mg²⁺ and steric hindrance, we report a single-solvent system based on commercial aminoacetaldehyde dimethyl acetal (ADMA). Our system effectively forms a Mg ion-conducting interphase and enhances the Mg plating-stripping efficiency, without severe corrosion. The average Coulombic efficiency is 97.3% over 500 hours upon galvanostatic cycling in Mg‖stainless steel cells at cycling conditions of 0.5 mA cm⁻² and 0.5 mAh cm⁻², along with capacity retention of 90.3% and 99.2% for 250 and 300 cycles in Mg‖Mo₆S₈ and Mg‖Tellurium full-cells, respectively. This study indicates that high-performance practical RMBs are achievable through solvation structure engineering with commercially available solvents and salts.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Information
Supplementary Information provides additional data and analyses that support the findings presented in the main manuscript