The continuous evolution of machine learning (ML) methodologies and the aggregation of data have culminated in the development of highly accurate qualitative structure – property relationship (QSPR) models. For instance, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) data analysis widely used during chemical synthesis can be considerably improved by predicting retention time (RT). With hundreds of thousands of syntheses per year at Enamine Ltd., a large amount of high quality data has been produced from this analysis. In this paper we report on the development of an RT prediction model based on the GATv2Conv+DL graph neural network (NN) using internal data and evaluation of the selected NN architecture with METLIN SMRT dataset. The final model shows a mean absolute error (MAE) value of 2.83 s for the 120-s LC-MS method. It was integrated into the existing in-house LC-MS viewing tool. We also performed a thorough analysis of RT prediction errors and suggested the range between RT – 11.34 s and RT + 10.68 s, as this interval contained over 95% of the data.
Supplementary materials
Comparison of the whole EnamineRT and its 20,000 subset
Comparison of the whole EnamineRT dataset and its 20,000 subset including Figures S1-S3 and accompanying text.
EnamineRT subset
EnamineRT subset with 20,000 datapoints in an Excel spreadsheet
Supplementary weblinks
The training and testing pipeline for the RT prediction model
The training and testing pipeline for the RT prediction model, the METLIN SMRT dataset containing molecules represented as SMILES and the METLIN RT, prediction model built on retained datapoints, and EnamineRT subset with 20,000 datapoints