Enhancing photocatalytic oxygen evolution is vital for renewable energy. In this work, we demonstrate how plasmon-induced resonant energy transfer (PIRET) from gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to Fe and Co doped nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)₂) can improve this process. PIRET involves the transfer of energy from excited AuNPs to nearby molecules, boosting their reactivity. We show that doping Ni(OH)₂ with Fe or Fe/Co reduces the band gap and forms flat bands, enabling efficient energy transfer and enhancing electronic properties. Our results show that NiFe layered double hydroxide (NiFeLDH) achieves superior oxygen evolution reaction (OER) activity than Ni(OH)₂ due to PIRET. This study demonstrates the crucial role of PIRET in enhancing plasmonic energy transfer and the synergistic effects of doping and AuNP coupling. These findings highlight the broader potential of material engineering in advancing efficient and sustainable energy technologies.
Supplementary materials
Supplemental Information
Supplemental experimental and computational procedures and data. Figures S1-S18 and Tables S1-S8 including tandem electron microscopy images and UV-vis spectra of synthesized materials; crystal cell structures constructed for modeling purposes; parameters of band structure calculations in CASTEP; X-ray diffraction spectra of Ni-based LDHs with and without gold decoration; Le Bail XRD fitting for Ni-based LDHs; phase quantitation results for α-Ni(OH)₂; Kubelka-Munk transformations and band gap estimation of Ni-based LDHs; differences in atomic position between optimized and unoptimized crystal cell structures; energies, Bader charges and band structures of crystal cells; projected density of states of Ni-based LDHs; calculated dielectric functions of Ni-based LDHs; calculated refractive index of Ni-based LDHs.