We present an implementation of complex-variable equation-of-motion coupled- cluster singles and doubles (EOM-CCSD) theory with the resolution-of-the-identity (RI) approximation. Complex-variable methods are used in the framework of non- Hermitian quantum chemistry to treat electronic resonances. As test cases, we study differenttypesofresonancesofN2 andCO, namelytemporaryanions, Starkresonances, autoionizing Rydberg states and core-ionized states that decay by the Auger-Meitner effect. Temporary anions are treated with the complex basis function (CBF) method and different variants of the complex absorbing potential (CAP) method. The other resonances are only treated with CBFs. The memory requirements of our implementa- tion are significantly lower than those of canonical EOM-CCSD. We demonstrate that the RI error is smaller than the basis set error for all types of resonances. However, when the size of the decay width approaches the magnitude of the RI error, the width is predicted qualitatively wrong with the RI approximation. In addition, when an ad- equate auxiliary basis set is not available, i.e., for autoionizing Rydberg states and for core-ionized states, the RI error in the total decay width increases by a factor 10.
Supplementary materials
Complex-variable equation-of-motion coupled-cluster singles and doubles theory with the resolution-of-the-identity approximation: Supporting information
Results for different basis sets for treating the nitrogen
anion with CBFs; energies, widths and optimal scaling angles for the anions of nitro-
gen and carbon monoxide; mean absolute RI error in the corrected energy for Stark
resonances; exponents of the complex-scaled function for the description of core-ionized
states; largest partials widths of core-ionized nitrogen and carbon monoxide; compari-
son of the Auger spectra calculated with and without the RI approximation.