Phase change materials (PCMs) with distinct optical properties at different phases are promising candidates for programmable photonics, optical communication and photonic computing. In this work, we have studied thermo-optic effect in a PCM-based integrated photonic device comprising a film of bistable [Fe2Co2] molecular square complex of Prussian Blue Analogues deposited on an on-chip silicon slot waveguide micro-ring resonator. Herein, we are reporting a large thermo-optic blue-shift of 200 pm/K corresponding to a thermo-optic coefficient of −0.4 RIU/K at room temperature, which is an order of magnitude larger than conventional photonic materials. The thermo-optic coefficient can be thermally tuned to zero at the phase-transition temperature of the bistable molecule
Supplementary materials
supporting information file
It contains the detailed experimental part including figures, spectroscopic data, X-ray crystallography structures, tables and other associated files.