Aqueous electrolyte solutions are central to many natural phenomena and industrial applications leading to continuous development of increasingly complex analytical models. These are based on an atomistic description of ion-ion electrostatic interactions combined with mean-field approaches for the dielectric response of water. Despite many achievements, these concepts fail to quantitatively describe situations where ion-ion correlation and specific solvation become relevant, such as for concentrated electrolyte solutions. Here, we propose a change of perspective, by introducing a statistical, coarse-grained view to describe the average thermodynamic properties of aqueous electrolyte solutions. This approach bypasses the need to define ion-pairs or ion-complexes and does not require any prior knowledge on specific solvation. We base our concept on separating the solution into a spherical observation droplet whose size and average composition are uniquely determined by the solution parameters, and its environment consisting of the remaining solution. This allows us to express the droplet-environment interaction in terms of a generalized multipole expansion, i.e. in a convenient, additive way. We applied this approach to 135 electrolytes including some notoriously complex electrolytes, such as LiCl or ZnCl$_2$ over the full solubility range. This paves the road toward understanding super-saturated and water-in-salt solutions and electrolyte nucleation.