A complete understanding of enzyme mechanisms requires atomistic details of chemical reactions. Quantum-based molecular dynamics simulations (QMD) are a potential source of this information, but tradeoffs between accuracy and computational cost have limited their use. Here, we develop a reactive QMD approach to investigate mechanisms of isocyanide hydratase (ICH) catalysis. In QMD simulations, molecular analogs of ICH active site residues reacted with para-nitrophenol isocyanide, forming a thioimidate intermediate. Analysis of simulated atomic configurational and charge dynamics revealed a pathway where protonation of the isocyanide carbon occurs prior to thioimidate formation. X-ray crystallography and functional assays of ICH mutants suggest this order of events might occur during enzyme catalysis. Mobile protons play essential roles in many enzymes, yet they are difficult to observe experimentally, making the ordering of proton-dependent steps ambiguous in many enzyme mechanisms. The ability to directly simulate reactions relevant to enzyme catalysis involving mobile protons demonstrates the significance of our reactive QMD approach and motivates further biological applications.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Text and Figures
Supplementary information and figures referenced directly in the main manuscript. Contains details on parameterization, algorithm development, and an additional simulation system.
Full simulation trajectory
A tar.gz archive containing a custom XYZ formatted file with molecular dynamics trajectory snapshots across the full 50 ps production trajectory (one snapshot every 2.5 fs). The GPMDK XYZ files contain five columns indicating element name, X/Y/Z coordinates, and atomic Mulliken population.
GPMDK Production Run Files
Input files for running QMD simulations of the main test system in a tar.gz archive. Also contains a README file describing each file and where to get additional information on building/running the GPMDK QMD code.
SIESTA Tutorial
SIESTA files in tar.gz archive. Contains the files necessary to run the DFT calculations on both protonated and unprotonated pNPIC using SIESTA code.