In this work, we introduce a modified dip-and-pull ECXPS approach that offers new mechanistic insight into the alkaline CORR over a Cu(111) single crystal surface. We tackle two major unresolved questions in the CORR mechanism that persist in the literature. Firstly, we address the mechanism for methane formation on Cu(111) and show that the mechanism likely proceeds via atomic carbon, which subsequently couples, leading to the accumulation of amorphous carbon on the surface. Secondly, we provide insight into whether the mechanism for acetate formation occurs entirely on the surface or partially within the solution phase, showing that acetate is present on the surface, indicating a surface-based reaction. These insights into surface-based mechanisms provide a handle for designing future catalysts that can efficiently target the binding of specific intermediates. Furthermore, we expect that our modified approach to dip-and-pull ECXPS - in which we have changed the electrode geometry, the method of introducing the reactant gas, and used hard x-rays - will significantly expand the technique’s applicability, enabling studies of the CO(2)RR and beyond.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary information
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