In this work, we present two alternative computational strategies to determine the populations of non-bonded aggregates. One approach extracts these populations from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, while the other employs quantum mechanical partition functions for the most relevant minima of the multimolecular potential energy surfaces (PESs), identified by automated conformational sampling. In both cases, we adopt a common graph-theory-based framework, introduced in this work, for identifying aggregate conformations, which enables a consistent comparative assessment of both methodologies and provides insight into the underlying approximations. We apply both strategies to investigate phenol aggregates, up to the tetramer, at different concentrations in phenol/carbon tetrachloride mixtures. Subsequently, we simulate the concentration-dependent OH stretching IR region by averaging the harmonic IR spectra of aggregates using the populations predicted by each strategy. Our results indicate that the populations extracted from MD trajectories yield OH stretching signals that closely follow the experimental trends, outperforming the spectra from populations obtained by systematic conformational searches. Such a better performance of MD is attributed to a better description of the entropic contributions. Moreover, the proposed protocol not only successfully addresses a very challenging problem but also offers a benchmark to assess the accuracy of intermolecular force fields.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information
Comprehensive explanation of the thresholds used to define non-covalent interactions and the interaction patterns employed to classify aggregate conformations. Details on the determination of the scaling factors for harmonic frequencies used in this work. Examination of the dependence of C/d populations and computed spectra on the thresholds and broadening parameter (HWHM), as well as the convergence of Q/s populations and both sets of spectra with the chosen QM set and HWHM parameter. Concentration measurements from the MD simulations, contributions to the free energy of QM-optimized conformers, and a comparison of the calculated equilibrium constants with values reported in the literature.