The versatility afforded by emerging additive manufacturing technologies (e.g., 3D printing and precision drop-on-demand deposition) has enabled the rapid and agile production of personalized medicine. The on-demand customization capabilities of these technologies provide novel avenues for point-of-care or distributed pharmaceutical manufacturing and compounding applications. Quality by design principles were used to investigate the production of solid tablet dosage forms for narrow therapeutic index (warfarin), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (citalopram), and medical countermeasure (doxycycline) drugs. We examined critical material attributes , critical process parameters, and critical quality attributes for the semisolid extrusion of pharmaceutical tablet excipients and drop-on-demand active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) ink dosing. Detailed investigations optimized the API ink formulation – specifically fluid properties relative to the tablet semisolid excipient, excipient temperature and physical state (i.e., solid vs liquid), and solidification time – allowing for API and excipient mixing and redistribution. Personalized drug dosages, adjusted doses, and tapered regimens were manufactured, demonstrating accurate API quantity and required production content uniformity, as specified by the U.S. Pharmacopeia. Atline API ink verification and inline drop counting control strategies were employed and confirmed by post-production quantification measurements to properly maintain tablet-to-tablet quality assurance.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information for: Personalized Medicine: A Quality by Design Approach to Printable Tablet Production
Supporting and supplementary materials including additional experimental method details and uncertainty calculations, data, figures, and images as noted in the manuscript text.
Supplementary weblinks
Semisolid Extrusion and Drop-on-Demand Pharmaceutical Printing for Personalized Medicine: Solid Tablet Manufacturing
his data publication contains the raw, derived, and processed data related to investigations into solid tablet dosage form production using drop-on-demand dispensing of active pharmacetuical ingredients. UV-Vis spectroscopy, THz Raman spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry chemical data for pharmaceutical-grade excipients, warfarin sodium, doxycycline, citalopram HBr, levothyroxine, fluoxetine, oxycodone, and acetaminophen are provided. SEM and high speed visualization, and drop counting print log data are included. Processed data from linear least squares calibration, uncertainty, and various parametric analyses (personalized dose production, taper regimen production, dissolution studies, content uniformity measurments, etc) are provided in tabulated data files.
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