A copper(II)-catalyzed stereodivergent hydrooxygenation of electronically unactivated alkynes with carboxylic acids is reported. Regioselectivity and kinetic reactivity are facilitated by a bidentate auxiliary, and syn- or anti-stereoselectivity is controlled through judicial tuning of reaction conditions. The method affords trisubstituted E- or Z-alkenes with enol ester functionality in a highly selective manner. Beyond carboxylic acids, a variety of other OH- and NH-nucleophiles react smoothly to furnish enol ether, enamine and alkylidene β-lactam building blocks. Mechanistic experiments and density functional theory (DFT) calculations shed light on the nature of π-Lewis acid activation with Cu(II) and support a catalytic cycle that features inner-sphere nucleocupration mechanism via 6-membered transi-tion state for syn-addition and base-assisted outer-sphere nucleocupration mechanism for anti-addition.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information
experimental procedures, characterization of new compounds, copies of NMR spectra, details of X-ray crystallography experiments, computational details, Cartesian coordinates