The response of a solvation shell to molecular solute photoexcitation is an ubiquitous phenomenon of great relevance in chemistry. This response can occur within just few tens of femtoseconds, making it very challenging to resolve experimentally. Thus, elucidating the homogeneity of the response around a solute, the presence of coherent solvent fluctuations, hydrogen bond reorganization mechanisms, and the intricate interplay between electronic, spin, nuclear, and solvent dynamics in detail remains elusive. Here, we report large-scale nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations of [Fe(CN)4(bipy)]2− (bipy=2,2’-bipyridine) in water, where the electronic evolution from singlet metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) states to triplet MLCT and metal-centered (MC) states overlaps temporally with the molecule’s nuclear motion and a strong solvent shell response. We leverage vibronic coupling model potentials combined with electrostatic embedding, within our so-called vibronic coupling/molecular mechanics (VC/MM) method, to be able to compute several thousand nonadiabatic excited-state trajectories, including all relevant singlet and triplet states as well as over 5000 explicit water molecules. This superior statistics affords an unprecedented view on the three-dimensional solvent distribution dynamics at few-fs and sub-Å resolution. The results reveal a direct solvent migration mechanism, where excitation to the MLCT states leads to the breaking of hydrogen bonds to the cyanide ligands within less than 100 fs, followed by the formation of hydrogen bonds with the negatively charged bipyridyl ligand by the same water molecules. Furthermore, the MLCT and MC states show very distinct solvent responses, which are overlapping in time, as governed by the electronic dynamics.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information: Ultrafast Solvent Migration in an Iron Complex Revealed by Nonadiabatic Dynamics Simulations
Computational details of electronic structure calculations, VC model parametrization, SHARC simulation, and analysis of trajectories; comparison with previous work; analysis of time-dependent bond lengths, hydrogen bonding, RDFs, slices of SDFs, and water migration.