The properties and dynamics of gold nanowires have been studied for decades as an important testbed for several physical phenomena. Gold nanowires forming at contacts are an integral part of molecular junctions used to study the electronic and thermal properties of single molecules. However, the huge discrepancy in timescales between experiments and simulations, compounded by the limited accuracy of classical force fields, has posed a challenge in accurately simulating realistic junctions. Here we show that machine-learning force fields reveal new behaviors not captured by classical force fields when modeling Au-Au pulling junctions. Our simulations show a dependency of the average breaking distance on the pulling speed, highlighting a more complex behavior than previously thought. Our results demonstrate that the use of more accurate force fields to simulate metallic nanowires is essential to capture the complexity of their structural evolution in break junction experiments. Our developments advance the modeling accuracy of molecular junctions, bridging the gap between experimental and simulation timescales.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information for manuscript
Supporting Information: Optimized unit-cell parameters; k-point comparison of forces; Test set performance; Test of breaking distance versus equilibration timesteps; Comparison of EAM and ReaxFF breaking structures; 1D-histograms of forces.
Supplementary weblinks
ioChem-BD of selected traces
A few exemplary traces can be visualized at our ioChem-BD. In- and output files are also available.