In order to explore the vibrational levels of vinylidene (H2CC) and their possible couplings with acetylene (HCCH), we investigate the effect of infrared (IR) vibrational pre-excitation on the high-resolution photoelectron spectra of the vinylidene anion (H2CC¯) and its deuterated isotopologue (D2CC¯). The photoelectron spectra are obtained using slow electron velocity-map imaging of cryogenically cooled anions (cryo-SEVI); here, cold anions are vibrationally excited by an IR laser pulse prior to photodetachment (IR cryo-SEVI). Infrared action spectra of the anion CH2 stretching fundamentals are measured by monitoring growth and depletion of features in photoelectron spectra as the IR laser is tuned, yielding excitation frequencies of the symmetric (ν1) and antisymmetric (ν5) CH2 stretching modes of 2590±2 cm-1 and 2658±2 cm-1, respectively. We then use IR cryo-SEVI to explore the effect of vibrational excitation of the two modes on the anion photoelectron spectrum. Interpretation of these spectra is facilitated by quantum calculations performed for each isotopologue on accurate six-dimensional potential energy surfaces of both neutral and anionic vinylidene. IR cryo-SEVI spectra resulting from excitation of these two close-lying anion vibrations are noticeably different. Excitation of the ν1 mode leads to several new features that appear in the photoelectron spectra which closely match the Franck-Condon allowed transitions predicted by theory. Excitation of the ν5 mode in H2CC¯ reveals complicated spectral features in the vicinity of the 5_1^1 sequence band that are not seen for D2CC¯. These are explained by a combination of anharmonic coupling between ν5 and ν6 (CH2 rock) states in neutral H2CC and possible coupling to the HCCH isomer.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Figures
Supporting figures for the manuscript, showing 1) infrared action spectra of D2CC¯, 2) H2CC¯ action spectrum with annotated rotational sub-branches, 3) comparisons of the CH2 stretching region for no pre-excitation and pre-excitation of the two CH2 stretching modes for both isotopologues.