We recently compared oscillator strengths (OS) obtained from electronic structure calculations f_comp to OSs derived from experimental spectra f_exp multiplied by the refractive index n of the solution in which the spectra were measured. The choice of nf_exp instead of f_exp as reference accounts for the macroscopic flux of energy in a dielectric (the experimental solvent). Here, we apply a correction to f_comp values that accounts for the local electromagnetic field driving the absorption transition (which is generally different from the macroscopic field). We refer to these modified OSs as f_comp,S. The correction is obtained by assuming that each molecule occupies an ellipsoidal cavity, fitted to its van der Waals surface, surrounded by a continuum dielectric model representing the solvent. Sets ranging from 33 - 85 experimental transitions are used for the benchmarking. For LR-CCSD and EOM-CCSD, we find that f_comp,S generally gives a better agreement with experimental strengths than f_comp. For LR-CCSD in the length gauge, for instance, there is a 1 to 1 scaling of the (nf_exp, f_comp,S) pairs. Instead, the results for TD-DFT depend on the amount of HF exchange used in the functional: pure functionals typically also have a 1 to 1 scaling of the (nf_exp, f_comp,S) pairs, while for hybrid functionals f_comp,S overestimates nf_exp to a degree that appears proportional to the amount of HF exchange present in the functional.
Supplementary materials
Supporting information PDF
A PDF document with the following (PDF):
- Tables with molecular structures, transition IDs, and residuals from the ellipsoidal fitting.
- Subset of transition IDs including the VHHM sets and subset used in this work.
- Scatter plots for f_comp and f_comp,S versus nf_exp for all methods.
- Tables with statistics (MAE, linear regression metrics, and energy error metrics) for wave function and TD-DFT methods.
- Figures similar to Figure 3 displaying statistics for pure, hybrid, and long-range corrected TD-DFT functionals.
Mathematica notebook for ellipsoidal fitting (ZIP)
A template Mathematica notebook for fitting an ellipsoid to the van der Waals surface of molecule 088 and to compute the cavity field corrections, as well as two input files containing the molecular coordinates and van der Waals surface points (ZIP).