The aggregation of plasmonic nanoparticles can lead to new and controllable properties useful for numerous applications. We recently showed the reversible aggregation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) via a small, cationic di-arginine peptide; however, the mechanism underlying this aggregation is not yet comprehensively understood. Here, we seek insights into the intermolecular interactions of cationic peptide-induced assembly of citrate-capped AuNPs by empirically measuring how peptide identity impacts AuNP aggregation. We examined the nanoscale interactions between the peptides and the AuNPs via UV-vis spectroscopy to determine the structure-function relationship of peptide length and charge on AuNP aggregation. Careful tuning of the sequence of the di-arginine peptide demonstrated that the mechanism of assembly is driven by a reduction in electrostatic repulsion. We show that an acetylated N-terminal and a carboxylic acid C-terminal decrease the peptide effectiveness in inducing AuNP aggregation. The increase in peptide size through addition of glycine or proline units hinders aggregation and leads to less redshift. Arginine-based peptides were also found to be more effective in assembling the AuNPs than cysteine-based peptides of equivalent length. We also illustrate that aggregation is independent of peptide stereochemistry. Finally, we demonstrate the modulation of peptide-AuNP behavior through changes to the pH, salt concentration, and temperature. Notably, histidine-based and tyrosine-based peptides could reversibly aggregate the AuNPs in response to the pH.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information
Materials, Table of Peptides, ESI-MS/MALDI-TOF Mass Spectra of Peptides, Size and Absorbance Measurements, Peptide Size and Nanoparticle Surface Area Coverage Calculations, Characterization of AuNP Assembly and Dissociation