We investigate the ultrafast electronic and thermal properties of the bulk amorphous cobalt oxide water oxidation catalysts cobalt-phosphate (CoPi) and cobalt borate (CoBi) using optical pump/X-ray probe correlated with in situ electrochemical transient absorption spectroscopy. The electronic signature of a light-generated intermediate species is compared to steady-state in situ heating X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), suggestive of non-thermal contributions to charge transfer formation on ultrafast timescales. With Co K-edge transient absorption spectroscopy, we observe a net photoreduction following 400 nm excitation that also initiates a potential-dependent increase in the excited-state fraction of trapped charge carriers that persists on nanosecond to microsecond timescales and is identified as a potential precursor state to oxygen evolving reactions (OER). Distinctly, the formation of excited-state species cannot be fully explained by photothermal reaction dynamics alone, with potential contributions from electronic motion acting in concert with macroscopic redox activity. The results can influence the design of water-splitting catalytic materials for tuning dimensionality, confinement, and charge delocalization across structures.
Supplementary materials
Ultrafast Electronic and Structural Dynamics in Cobalt-Phosphate (CoPi) and CobaltBorate (CoBi) Photocatalysts
Excited state fraction calculations, Ni K-edge transient XANES time-zero, SEM of electrodeposited thin films and colloidal suspensions, nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, steady-state XANES, In situ heating XAS at the Co K-edge, FEFF simulations of heating XAS measurements, femtosecond transient absorption of in situ electrochemical cell, optical spot size measurements, near-UV transient absorption spectroscopy, CoPi and CoBi excited state multiexponential decay analysis and kinetic fits under ambient open-circuit-voltage conditions and positive bias voltages.