Silicon's versatility as a semiconductor renders it indispensable across various domains, including electronics, sensors, and photovoltaics. Modifying Hydrogen-terminated Silicon surfaces with moieties adsorption offers a method to tailor the material’s properties for specific applications. In this study, we employ ab initio density functional theory calculations to explore the energetics of single alkyl, 1-alkenyl and 1-alkynyl moieties chemisorbed on Hydrogen-terminated Silicon (111) surface. We analyse the interfacial dipole induced by Si–C bond formation that determines the Schottky barrier and examine the alignment of the frontier orbitals energy levels with Silicon band structure to investigate the charge transfer based on tunnelling mechanism. Our findings provide valuable insights into how aliphatic moiety functionalization affects interfacial electronic properties, offering clues for optimizing Silicon-based devices.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information
Figures representing the minimal energy configurations, plane-averaged electrostatic energy, and Projected Density of States (PDOS). Tables reporting ab initio calculated energy levels.
Supplementary weblinks
Screened Configurations Dataset
The version v1 of dataset contains data related to the Si(111) surface and alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes with lengths from C2 to C10.