Human inspection of potential drug compounds is crucial in the virtual drug screening pipeline. However, there is a pressing need to accelerate this process, as the number of molecules humans can realistically examine is extremely limited relative to the scale of virtual screens. Furthermore, computational medicinal chemists can evaluate different poses inconsistently, and there is no standard way of recording annotations. We propose Autoparty, a containerized tool to address these challenges. Autoparty leverages on-premises active learning for drug discovery to facilitate human-in-the-loop training of models that extrapolate human intuition. We leverage multiple uncertainty quantification metrics to query the user with informative examples for model training, limiting the number of human expert training labels. The collected annotations populate a persistent and exportable local database for broad downstream uses. Incorporating Autoparty doubled the hit rate among 193 experimentally tested compounds in a real-world case study.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information
Supporting Figures 1-3, Supporting Tables 1-4, Supporting Methods, Supporting References
Supplementary weblinks
Autoparty GitHub Repository
Open-source code repository for the containerized Autoparty package developed in this study.