The theoretical simulation of femtosecond transient absorption pump-probe spectroscopy (TA PP) is crucial to clarify the mechanism of ultrafast nonadiabatic dynamics. The introduction of the doorway-window approximation simplifies the calculation of nonlinear response functions, enabling the simulation of TA PP via the trajectory-based nonadiabatic dynamics approach. In this work, we tried to propose a computational protocol to simulate the TA PP signals of realistic polyatomic systems by combining the doorway-window approximation of the laser-molecular interactions and the on-the-fly symmetrical quasi-classical/Meyer-Miller dynamics (SQC/MM). The underlying physical insight behind the TA PP signals of two molecular systems is analyzed by checking the molecular motions in the nonadiabatic dynamics. This opens a novel and simple approach to simulate the ultrafast spectral signals of the realistic polyatomic systems effectively and efficiently within the framework of the mapping Hamiltonian.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information for The simulation of the femtosecond transient absorption pump-probe spectroscopy under the framework of symmetrical quasi-classical/Meyer-Miller dynamics
Supporting Information Available