We analyze the properties of the exact solution obtained by us recently for the extended
Heitler-London model of the chemical bonding in an analytic form. The emphasis, put on
defining the two-particle entanglement correlation, and expressing it by the von Neumann entropy,
which provides the complementary characterization of the chemical bond and is directly
related to the partial atomicity and the true covalency. The newly introduced concepts refine
the standard analysis of covalency based solely on the wave-function and related energy description
of the bond as a pure state. We show that a gradual evolution of the system with
the increasing interatomic distance of the indistinguishable two electrons composing the bond
into their distinguishable correspondents in the atomic (dissociation) limit can be traced out
systematically. In particular, only by taking into account the atomicity the true covalency
vanishes in the latter limit.