Negative thermal expansion (NTE) is a fascinating phenomenon where certain materials contract upon heating. The phonon transport properties of two-dimensional carbon-based allotropes are poorly understood in terms of their NTE properties. This work with a specific focus on carbon-based allotropes, explores the underlying mechanisms of the thermal conductivity (TC) and NTE of graphene, haeckelite, pentahexoctite, s-graphene, 6.6.12 and delta Graphynes (Gys). High TC is imperative for efficiently dissipating heat in electronic devices, whereas thermoelectric devices need to be thermally resistive with low TC. Delta-Gy shows highest NTE as well as lowest TC and vice versa is true for graphene. Graphene displays a lower degree of anisotropic TC, while s-graphene exhibits the highest level of anisotropic TC. The behaviour of their TC are understood on the basis of soft-phonon modes, phonon group velocity (vg), phonon lifetime (τ) and mean free path (MFP). The acoustic and optical phonon branches play a key role in determining both TC and NTE of the materials. Out-of-plane buckling of a two-dimensional materials can suppress heat conductivity by increasing the phonon scattering. Buckling is also shown to increase the NTE. A precise control on the pore sizes 5-7 (Haeckelite), 5-6-8 (Pentahexoctite), and 4-8 (s-graphene), 6-12-14 (6.6.12-Gy) and 6-14 (delta-Gy) can make a big impact on their soft unit modes. This investigation not only deepens our understanding of NTE and TC but also highlights the potential of future applications of carbon-based materials with controlled thermal expansion properties in nanotechnology, composites, and beyond.
Supplementary materials
Correlating Negative Thermal Expansion and Thermal Conductivity in Two-dimensional Carbon-based Materials
1. Figure. S1. Free energy-volume curve for the systems to obtain the equilibrium volume of a material.
2. Figure. S2. (a) First six phonon dispersion bands of the systems. (b) Full phonon band structures for the systems.
3. Figure. S3. Phonon lifetime vs frequency plots for the systems.
4. Figure. S4. Cumulative phonon lifetime vs frequency plots for the systems.
5. Table ST1. Maximum and minimum phonon group velocity (vg) and the corresponding frequency for the materials.