We have implemented a reduced-cost partial triples correction scheme to the equation of motion coupled cluster method for core-ionization energy based on state-specific natural orbitals. The second-order Algebraic Diagrammatic Construction (ADC) method is used to generate the state-specific natural orbital, which provides quicker convergence of the core IP value with respect to the size of the virtual space than that observed in standard MP2-based natural orbitals. The error due to the truncation of the virtual orbital can be reduced by using a perturbative correction. The accuracy of the method can be controlled by a single threshold and is a black box to use. The inclusion of the partial triples correction in the natural orbital based EOM-CCSD method greatly improves the agreement of the results with the experiment. The efficiency of the present implementation is demonstrated by calculating the core-ionization energy of a molecule containing 60 atoms and more than two thousand basis functions.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Material
Contains the additional data of the tables and figures used in the main text