The generation of exciton–polaritons through strong light–matter interactions represents an emerging platform for exploring quantum phenomena in molecular systems. A significant challenge in molecular polaritonic systems is the
ability to operate at room temperature with high fidelity. Here, we demonstrate the generation of room-temperature
exciton–polaritons through the coupling of CdSe nanoplatelets (NPLs) with a Fabry–Pérot optical cavity, leading to
a Rabi splitting of 74.6 meV. Quantum-classical calculations accurately predict the complex dynamics between the
many dark state excitons and the optically allowed polariton states, including the experimentally observed lower polariton photoluminescence emission, and the concentration of lower polariton photoluminescence intensities at higher
in-plane momenta as the cavity becomes more negatively detuned. The Rabi splitting measured at 5 K is similar to
that at 300 K, validating the feasibility of the temperature-independent operation of this polaritonic system. Overall,
these results show that CdSe NPLs are an excellent material to facilitate the development of room-temperature quantum
Supplementary materials
Room-Temperature Strong Coupling between CdSe Nanoplatelets and a Metal–DBR Fabry–P´erot Cavity
See Supplementary Information for comprehensive insights
into the synthesis of 4.5 ML CdSe NPLs, sample preparation,
and experimental characterization.