We studied the effect of metal and molecular cations in the aggregation of atomically precise monolayer-protected nanoclusters (MPCs) in explicit solvent using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. While divalent cations such as Zn$^{2+}$ and Cd$^{2+}$ promote aggregation by forming ligand-cation-ligand bridges between the MPCs, the molecular cations such as tetraethylammonium and cholinium inhibit their aggregation by getting adsorbed into the MPC's ligand shell and reducing the ligands motion. Here we studied the aggregation of Au$_{25}$(SR)$_{18}$ nanoclusters with two types of ligands - para-amino benzoic Acid and d-penicillamine as prototypical examples.
Supplementary materials
Supporting Information
The supporting information contains the following,
System setup, simulation details, the effect of RZn2+/ligands ratio on dimerization of Au-DPA MPC, the effect of RZn2+/ligandsonself-assembly, Well-tempered MetaD simulation - dimerization of Au-DPA, dimerization of Au-MPCs in the presence of Cd2+ ions, OPES_e simulations of acetate-M2+ (M=Zn,Cd) system, the effectofTEA+ ionsondimerizationofAu-MPCs