Orthophosphate can limit lead contamination of tap water, but its benefits are difficult to quantify since lead concentrations are so site-specific. Sentinel homes serviced by lead pipe are ideal for monitoring orthophosphate treatment, but best practices dictate the removal of lead once identified. The best sentinel homes, then, are often short-lived. Here we explore an alternative: recovered lead pipe racks supplied with distributed drinking water at locations throughout a water system. We also propose a strategy for analyzing the data based on the generalized additive model, which approximates time series as sums of smooth functions. Geometric mean lead release from pipe racks exhibited a pronounced dose-response, falling by 54% after an increase from 1 to 2 mg PO4 L-1, and then climbing by 55% after a decrease to 1.5 mg PO4 L-1. Data from nine sentinel homes were consistent with those from pipe racks: geometric mean lead at the high orthophosphate dose was 60% of that at the low dose. Our results demonstrate sentinel pipe racks as a viable alternative to at-the-tap sampling for non-regulatory corrosion control monitoring. They also provide a Bayesian framework for quantifying changes in lead release that can incorporate information from multiple sources.
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Source code for "Evaluating sentinel pipe racks for monitoring lead release and optimizing corrosion control"
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