Dealing with a small Experimental dataset using a generative model produces a model with underfitting and reduces its ability to generate a new valid compound. Even in the presence of free available chemical databases SMILES string has to use a complex and computationally intensive model to solve validation problems. SELFIES solve all validation problems but further activity optimization is needed with the absence of an app that records molecules generated. In this study, the author uses a predictive model to provide a dataset by a virtual screen of 3 million compounds from a chemical online database in addition to experimental active dataset. Data feed to a different model of one layer Recurrent Neural Network model using both SELFIES and SMILES for about 2-4 epochs. Structure-based drug design was used and Src Kinase as a target to validate both the predictive model and compounds produced by Recurrent Neural Network and further filtration happens using Molecular Dynamics Simulation. SELFIES outperform SMILES in producing valid molecules in all types of Recurrent Neural Network simple structures. Recurrent Neural Network can produce active compounds using the GRU layer without any activity optimization from just 4 runs 100 molecules each. The novelty of the result can be compared to the result coming from predictive model virtual screen data. Recurrent Neural Network can produce novel compounds with key interaction residue with the target protein. All Predictive Models were deployed and ExplainableAI is used to guide generated molecules. MERN stack app SaveMol is used to save molecules produced with substructure research ability and apps links provide here(https://github.com/phalem/Src).
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Material
Here are Graphical Abstract of workflow*, Figure, files mentioned in the paper and model validation and novel in interaction in details*
Graphical Abstract
This a Graphical abstract that describe what happen in the paper
This models other than GRU that has been implemented in the deployed app. It doesn't give a novel result, you can try it your self.
Supplementary weblinks
Project behance link
This behance presentation for landing page that explain whole workflow with 3d icons for fun
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Temporary App link
This temporary app link to provide Experience app link may change, if change it will be on github provided
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GitHub Link
This GitHub link will provide an up to date links to the app above and give so notebooks to how to use the app, so it can be a reference the app user.
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SaveMol app link
This the link of SaveMol that I write inside the paper