Simulating water accurately has been a major challenge in atomistic simulations for decades. Inclusion of electronic polarizability effects holds considerable promise, yet existing approaches suffer from significant computational overhead compared to the widely used non-polarizable water models. We have developed a globally optimal
polarizable water model, OPC3-pol, that explicitly accounts for electronic polarizability with minimal impact on computational efficiency. OPC3-pol reproduces five key
bulk water properties at room temperature with an average relative error of 0.6%. In atomistic simulations, OPC3-pol’s computational efficiency is in-between that of 3- and
4-point non-polarizable models; the model supports increased (4 fs) integration time step. OPC3-pol is tested in simulations of a globular protein and a B-DNA dodecamer
with recent AMBER force-fields, demonstrating structure stability close to reference at multi-microsecond time-scale. The model can be trivially adopted by any package
that supports standard non-polarizable force-fields and water models; its intended use is in long classical atomistic simulations where water polarization effects are expected
to be important.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Information
Supporting Information for: A fast polarizable water model for atomistic simulations. Includes methodological details.