Metalloproteins perform a diverse array of redox-related reactions facilitated by the increased chemical functionality afforded by their metallocofactors. Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are a class of copper-dependent enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of recalcitrant polysaccharides via oxidative cleavage at the glycosidic bond. The activated copper-oxygen intermediates and their mechanism of formation remains to be established. Neutron protein crystallography which permits direct visualization of protonation states was used to investigate the initial steps of oxygen activation directly following active site copper reduction in Neurospora crassa LPMO9D. Herein, we cryo-trap an activated dioxygen intermediate in a mixture of superoxo and hydroperoxo states, and we identify the conserved second coordination shell residue His157 as the proton donor. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicate that both active site states are stable. The hydroperoxo formed is potentially an intermediate in the mechanism of hydrogen peroxide formation in the absence of substrate. We establish that the N-terminal amino group of the copper coordinating His1 remains doubly protonated directly following molecular oxygen reduction by copper. Aided by mining minima free energy calculations we establish His157 conformational flexibility in solution that is abolished by steric hindrance in the crystal. A neutron crystal structure of NcLPMO9D at low pH supports occlusion of the active site which prevents protonation of His157 at acidic conditions.
Supplementary materials
SI - Capture of activated dioxygen intermediates at the copper-active site of a lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase
Crystallographic and refinement statistics, copper-ligand distances, conformatioal analysis, DFT active site models