Glass transition has similarity to the second-order phase transition in temperature dependent changes in entropy, non-Arrhenius viscosity, and heat capacity of glass forming materials. However, it has primarily been considered to be not phase transition. Recent single-molecule spectroscopy developments prompted re-investigating glass transition at the nanometer scale probing resolution, showing that glass transition includes phenomena similar to the second-order phase transition. They are characterized by microscopic collective polymer motion and discontinuous changes in temperature dependent relaxation times, the latter of which resembles the critical slowing down of second-order phase transitions, within a temperature window above the polymer calorimetric glass transition temperature. Simultaneous collective motion and critical slowing down occurrences disclose that the second-order phase transition hides behind polymer glass transition.
Supplementary materials
ver 6.0 ChemRxiv SupportingInfo MIshikawa
The ver 6.0 Supporting Information is updated in consistent with the ver 6.0 manuscript. In addition, several typos were collected.
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