Networks of biopolymers occur often in nature, and are vulnerable to damage over time.
In this work, a coarse grained model of collagen IV molecules is applied in a 2D hexagonal network and
the mechanisms by which these networks can rupture are explored.
The networks are stretched linearly in order to study their structural limits and mechanism of rupture over
timescale of up to 100 microseconds.
Metrics are developed to track the damage networks suffer over time, and qualitatively analyse ruptures that occur.
Further simulations repeatedly stretch the networks sinusoidally to mimic the in vivo strains.
Defects of increasing levels of complexity are introduced into an ordered network, and
their effect on the rupturing behaviour of the biopolymer networks studied.
The effect of introducing holes of varying size in the network, as well as strips of finite
width to mimic surgical damage are studied. These demonstrate the importance of the flexibility
of the networks to preventing damage.
Supplementary materials
Simulation of Defects, Flexibility and Rupture in Biopolymer Networks - Supplementary Information
Details of the graph to polymers algorithm used in the paper 'Simulation of Defects, Flexibility and Rupture in Biopolymer Networks'