Rational design of bright near and shortwave infrared
(NIR: 700–1000 SWIR: 1000–2000 nm) molecular and nanoscale emitters is a
fundamental scientific question with applications ranging from deep tissue
imaging to new photonic materials. However, all reported organic chromophores
with energy gaps in the SWIR have very low quantum yields. Is this the result
of a fundamental limit for the quantum yield of organic chromophores in the
SWIR? Here we combine experiment and theory to derive an energy gap quantum
yield master equation (EQME), which describes the fundamental limits in SWIR
quantum yields for organic chromophores in terms of energy gap laws for
radiative and nonradiative decay. We parametrize EQME using experimental data
from time-correlated single photon counting in the SWIR acquired using
superconducting nanowire single photon detectors operating beyond the bandgap
of silicon. Evaluating the photophysics of 21 polymethine NIR/SWIR emissive
chromophores, we explain the precipitous decline of
past 900 nm
as the result of decreased radiative rates and increased nonradiative deactivation
via high frequency vibrations as a function of singlet energy gap. From EQME we
can compare quantum yields among NIR/SWIR chromophores while accounting for
changes in energy gaps. We find that electron donating character on polymethine
heterocycles results in improvements of radiative parameters obscured by a
simultaneous redshift. We correlate this improvement to changes in transition
dipole moments across the chromenylium polymethine family. Finally, understanding
energy gap laws reveals quantitative estimates of the effect of deuteration and
molecular aggregation as strategies to increase
in the
SWIR. We experimentally demonstrate that partial deuteration of the chromophore
Flav7 results in decreased nonradiative rates and concomitant increases in
quantum yield. These insights will enable optimal chromophore designs for SWIR
Supplementary materials
SWIR Energy Gap SI