One of the fascinating properties of metal-semiconductor Schottky-barriers, which has been observed for some material combinations, is memristive behavior. Memristors are smart, since they can reversibly switch between a low resistance state and a high resistance state. The devices offer a great potential for advanced computing and data storage, including neuromorphic networks and resistive random-access memory. However, as for many other cases, the presence of a real interface (metal - metal oxide) has numerous disadvantages. The realization of interface-free, respectively Schottky-barrier free memristors is highly desirable. The aim of the current paper is the generation of nanowire arrays with each nanorod possessing the same crystal phase (Rutile) and segments only differing in composition. The electric conductivity is realized by segments made of highly-doped antimony tin oxide (ATO) transitioning into pure tin oxide (TO). Complex nanoarchitectures are presented, which include ATO-TO, ATO-TO-ATO nanowires either with a stepwise distribution of antimony or as a graded functional material. The electrical characterization of the materials reveals that the introduction of memristive properties in such structures is possible. The special features observed in voltage-current (IV) curves are correlated to the behavior of mobile oxygen vacancies (VO..) at different values of applied electrical potential.