gradients across the intestinal epithelium play a major role in governing
intestinal stem cell compartmentalization, differentiation dynamics, and
organ-level self-renewal. Advances in primary cell-derived in vitro
models, in which a full suite of stem and differentiated cell types are
present, have vastly accelerated our understanding of intestinal homeostasis
and disease. However, scalable platforms that recapitulate the architecture and
gradients present in vivo are absent. We present a platform in which
individually addressable arrays of chemical gradients along the crypt long axis
can be generated, enabling scalable culture of in vitro colonic
epithelial replicas. The platform utilizes standardized well plate spacing,
maintains access to basal and luminal compartments, and relies on a photopatterned
porous membrane to act as diffusion windows while supporting the in vitro crypts.
Simultaneous fabrication of 3,875 crypts over a single membrane was developed.
Growth factor gradients were modelled and then experimentally optimized to
promote long-term health and self-renewal of the crypts which were assayed in
situ by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The cultured in vitro
crypt arrays successfully recapitulated the architecture, stem/proliferative
and differentiated cell compartmentalization, and luminal-to-basal polarity observed
in vivo. Furthermore, known signaling regulators produced measurable and
predictable effects on the proliferative and differentiated cell compartments.
This platform is readily adaptable to the screening of tissue from individual
patients to assay the impact of food and bacterial metabolites and/or drugs on
colonic crypt dynamics. Importantly, the cassette is compatible with a wide
range of sensing/detection modalities, and the developed fabrication methods
should find applications for other cell and tissue types.
Supplementary materials
HinmanSS Scalable In Vitro Crypt Arrays SI