H2S and NO are gas molecules with physiological activities; solid materials that release these
gases under safe and ubiquitous stimuli offer broad medical applications. Herein, we report solid
materials that autonomously release ppm-level H2S or NO under air.
HS− or NO2− incorporated in the interlayer of
layered double hydroxide (LDH), a clay mineral, is protonated by CO2
and H2O, yielding H2S or HNO2. HNO2
generates NO through disproportionation or reduction. Moreover, another NO-release
method employs solid mixtures of NO2−-incorporated LDH
and FeSO4, wherein wet air triggers NO2− reduction
with Fe2+ through anion exchange between NO2− and
SO42−. A potential application of the air-stimulated
gas release system is demonstrated by creating a portable and battery-free NO inhaler for emergency
treatment of respiratory distress.