Microscopic deformation processes lie at the origin of defect formation
on glass surfaces, thus determining the material’s resistance to
scratching and mechanical failure. While the macroscopic strength of
most glasses is not directly depending on material composition, local
deformation and flaw initiation are strongly affected by chemistry and
atomic arrangement. Aside empirical insight, however, the structural
origin of the fundamental deformation modes remains largely unknown.
Experimental methods which probe parameters on short or intermediate
length-scale such as atom-atom or super-structural correlations are
typically applied in the absence of alternatives. Drawing on recent
experimental advances, we now probe spatial variations in the
low-frequency vibrational density of states which result from sharp
contact deformation of vitreous silica. From direct observation of
deformation-induced variations on the characteristic length-scale of
molecular heterogeneity, we argue that rigidity fluctuation on the scale
of a few nanometers governs the deformation process of inorganic